People Counting

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Ariadne Analytics

At Ariadne, we redefine how businesses understand their space. With our Al enabled analytics, we are able to pinpoint the biggest pain of your physical store and we guide you on how to address it.

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The Operation System of your space

Ariadne's Analytics is the gateway to deep insights. Tailored to the modern business's needs, it allows for comprehensive data exploration through any web browser. Ariadne offers real-time visualization of essential data, empowering you to monitor and analyze your space performance within a vast number of KPIs.

Features of Ariadne Analytics

People Counting

  • Live People Counts: Gauge the number of visitors at any given moment to manage capacity and operational needs.
  • Traffic Trends: Analyze how visitor traffic varies by hour, day, week, or season to inform staffing and marketing strategies.
  • Peak Times Identification: Pinpoint the busiest times to optimize employee scheduling and improve customer experience.
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Sales Integration

  • Track Sales Performance: Correlate visitor numbers with sales data to determine conversion rates.
  • Conversion Rate of Passersby to Visitors/Purchasers: Analyze the ratio of people passing by the store to those entering and making purchases, to assess storefront effectiveness.
  • Evaluate Marketing ROI: Measure the impact of marketing campaigns and promotions on in-store sales.
  • Optimize Staffing: Align staff numbers with peak sales periods to maximize conversion opportunities.

Visitor Trajectory Analysis

  • Visualize People Flow: See the routes visitors most frequently take to identify which areas draw the most attention.
  • Inform Operational Decisions: Adjust staffing and displays based on the flow of visitor traffic to improve the customer journey.
  • Layout Planning: Use path data to redesign the layout for smoother traffic flow, reducing bottlenecks and enhancing the overall visitor experience.
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Visitor Area Transitions

  • Analyze the transitions of your visitors between different areas: Identify how areas connected to each other. Measure the cross-sales potential between the areas. Quantify the success of redirecting your visitors.

Industry Comparison

  • Measure how you perform against the average store in your industry: Identify your strongest weaknesses and focus on improving. Benchmark your store in real time against your average competitor. Revisit the dashboard after you obtain all measure to monitor your progress
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Polygon Analytics and Heatmaps

  • Spot High-Traffic Areas: Recognize which parts of your store attract the most visitors to allocate resources effectively.
  • Area Heatmaps: Visualize people traffic concentration in different store areas to inform product placement and layout decisions.
  • Determine Dwell Times: Find out where visitors spend the most time to enhance displays or product placements.
  • Layout Optimization: Use insights to redesign store layouts, improving the flow and potentially increasing customer engagement and sales.

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